
Be the Change: Choose Fairtrade in their 30th year

What is Fairtrade?

Imagine you’re a farmer, and no matter how hard you work, the price you get for your crop never covers your costs. If you deliver the best in the business? That still doesn’t matter.

This is why The Fairtrade Foundation is so important. An incredible international movement and partnership, Fairtrade has a vision of a world where all producers are treated fairly. A world where everyone involved in the making of the things we all love can enjoy secure livelihoods. All while fulfilling their potential, and decide their own future.

Fairtrade currently works with over 1,900 producer organizations across 70 countries. They support farmers and workers by improving living standards, investing in their communities and businesses, and protecting our shared environment.

They achieve this by rallying a global community of millions—farmers and workers, supply chain partners, brands, retailers, shoppers, schools, governments—to pay fair prices while upholding the social, economic and environmental standards Fairtrade sets for the companies and farmers involved in the supply chain.

For farmers and workers these standards include protection of workers’ rights and the environment, and for companies (like ours) they include the payment of the Fairtrade Minimum Price safety net and an additional Fairtrade Premium. Read more about the Fairtrade Premium here.

Photographed: Didier Gentilhomme

Celebrating 30 years of Fairtrade in the UK

This year, Fairtrade Fortnight runs from 9th – 22nd September, and it’s a year for celebration! 30 years ago, the first Fairtrade certified product hit supermarket shelves.

Over the past three decades, Fairtrade has achieved incredible impact, empowering farmers, workers, and their communities around the world. But the journey doesn’t stop here. Now, more than ever, we need to keep working together to build a fairer, more sustainable future. However big or small a purchase, from Fairtrade-certified cotton to flowers, fruit, vegetables, tea and coffee… Each purchase you make today helps farmers change their tomorrow.

Our Fairtrade Fortnight Contribution

To celebrate this milestone and help amplify awareness, we’re donating 10% of every website sale of our organic and Fairtrade cotton products — bedding, robes and towels — to the Fairtrade Foundation (charity number 1043886) between the 9th and 22nd September. Together, we can make a real difference to those who are on the front line of the climate crisis. Choose Fairtrade, and #BeTheChange this Fairtrade Fortnight and beyond!

Photographed: Suzanne Lee

shop fairtrade cotton bedding

shop fairtrade cotton towels

shop fairtrade cotton robes