3 gentle steps to becoming a morning person
Hands up if you struggle to get out of bed on some mornings? We admit, we struggle to part from our beautiful bedding on even our freshest days. But this can affect mood, productivity, and energy levels. So, try these simple, easy hacks that will (hopefully) help you conquer your every morning!
snooze, you lose
We know it’s tempting to hit that snooze button when you wake up feeling tired, but sleep researchers warn us of the snooze button’s negative effects (sorry, serial snoozers)! Waking up after hitting snooze is actually more difficult than waking up to your first alarm, because your body perceives it as an invitation to enter into a new sleep cycle. This also leads to greater feelings of sluggishness throughout the day. To help ditch the habit, try putting your alarm away from arms reach. By having to step out of bed straight away to turn it off, you’ll be naturally waking up.

ease your mind
Hal Elrod (author of The Miracle Morning) explains,
“Your first thought in the morning is usually the one you had just before you went to bed.”
He says that if we go to sleep worrying that ‘I’ve only got “X” hours to sleep’, we’ll wake up tired thinking we didn’t have enough. His advice?
“Consciously decide every night to actively and mindfully set a positive expectation for the next morning.”
It’s no wonder, then, that so many of us hate mornings when our minds go into overdrive before we fall asleep! Perhaps training your mind to doze off to positive self-talk is the key to helping prevent your mornings from being a losing battle.
temperature matters
Nothing makes your wake up like a restful night. Getting good quality sleep is essential for feeling refreshed, not to mention maintaining good health during the cold months when viruses are rife!
“Temperature can be the difference between a sound night of sleep and a fitful night that leaves you tired the next day”
To achieve this, avoid synthetic bedding fabrics and wildly high thread counts. Products on the market claiming to be a 500-1000 thread count are generally made using weaker and shorter yarns twisted together. These create heavier sheets that can suffocate the airflow around you while you sleep. You can read more about the thread count myth here.
On the other hand, our single ply, long staple organic cotton is an ideal choice as it’s naturally breathable – which is key to regulating temperature.
Are you a lover of the laid back, relaxed look of linen? Ours is the perfect choice as it grows softer with age. Grown from the finest variety of nature’s most moisture wicking fibre, our linen can absorb up to 20% of its weight in moisture. This makes it perfect for warmer sleepers! With the demand for natural linen rising, we’re here to make the finest quality more accessible to you.
Snuggle up, lapse into a lulling slumber, and hopefully some of our tips can help you seize the following day in the best way possible!
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