glimmers: what are they & why are they good for us?
little moments that boost wellbeing
Cue the sound of raindrops tap-dancing on your window. A smile from a stranger. The unexpected arrival of winter sunshine, and the shadows that weave across your wall. All seemingly ordinary occurrences, yet to those who treasure them, simple joys that enrich our lives. All wonderful glimmers.
the science beneath the light
Psychologist Deb Dana was the first to introduce the concept of “glimmers” as micro moments that encourage our nervous system to feel calm. Moments that are often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but that are oh-so important.
How do they work? Glimmers serve as emotional regulators, acting as beacons of light in our everyday lives. Recognising our glimmers is a powerful tool in managing stress. And the more we actively seek them out, the more we can “shape our system in very gentle ways.”
holding onto your inner peace
It’s so easy to get distracted from those precious moments. However, finding and reacting to glimmers doesn’t need to be an arduous task. Your body is already attuned to moments of solace; all that’s left for you to do is pause and tune in.
Envision your ideal evening. The textures, scents, and sounds that bring you complete contentment. Perhaps it’s the feeling of buttery soft organic cotton bedding against your skin as you flick through a new novel and breath in the aroma of freshly brewed tea. These subtle, profound experiences are your glimmers, just waiting to be embraced. We’re just here to help you unlock them.
Once you’ve identified your glimmers, the key is to savour them. Allow yourself that extra two minutes to dance in the sunlight and feel the warmth of the sun on your face, to relish the stillness of a quiet morning in bed, to go for a walk without your phone, or to skip along the driveway just because you feel like it. The result? You help to create a shield against stress, which leads to endless benefits on your body and mind.
So, from this day forward, may you treasure your simplest joys with us – one glimmer at a time!
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